Essential information for Solicitors and executors

Gifts in Wills now fund one in three of our life-saving missions. We are extremely grateful for these very special gifts and have a dedicated team and information to support solicitors and executors in carrying out someone's final wishes.

Jason Williams - EAAA Legacy Administration Expert

Your dedicated contact

EAAA has a Legacy Administration Expert; Jason Williams manages all gifts left to EAAA, making sure they are used as intended by our incredible supporters. He can be contacted by emailing

Making payment


It is more cost efficient if you pay in any money via BACS as it keeps the cost of administration to a minimum. However, we understand that electronic payment is not always possible and so you can of course pay using an alternative method listed below.

Please contact our team for our Bank Details by emailing

Important Information:
To help us identify your payment, to ensure it is correctly allocated and to cancel any future mailings, we would be grateful if you would email Jason with the following details:

  • The full name and title of the deceased (so we can match it up with your bank transfer).
  • Their last address.
  • The executor’s name and contact details.


If you are paying by cheque, please make the cheque payable to ‘East Anglian Air Ambulance’ and send it to:

Legacy Payments
Helimed House
Hangar 14
Norwich Airport
Gambling Close

Please include:

  • The full name and title of the deceased.
  • Their last address.
  • The executor’s name and contact details.

If you have any questions, please contact Jason Williams on 03450 669 999 or email

Useful information for executors

This information has been prepared by the Institute of Legacy Management. We hope it will provide you with valuable information to guide you through the process.

The role you have been given as an Executor is a huge responsibility and it can seem overwhelming, especially during this difficult and emotional time. We really appreciate your support. Without your valuable help, the vital life-saving work of EAAA simply wouldn’t be possible.

Pulling together all the relevant documents can seem complicated, but you are not alone. The ILM has put together two handy factsheets to help you understand what information charities may need from you, and why they need it.

If the Will specifies that the charity should receive a gift of a fixed sum of money, then the process is very straightforward, and you can simply get in touch with the relevant charity and make payment whenever you are ready to do so. They will send you a receipt and a letter of thanks. Please make sure that you contact the team that deals with gifts in Wills before you make payment, because only that team can give you a valid receipt for the legacy.

Please do not make payment over the charity’s website or hand a cheque into a shop or to a local fundraiser. Our members are required to account specifically for legacies, and they may not be able to do so if payment has been made to another part of their organisation.

If the Will specifies that the charity should receive a share of the estate, or a more complicated gift, and you would like some assistance, please read on.

Probate Agents
Instructing Solicitors
Why is the charity asking for such specific information?
Responsibilities – who is responsible for what?
Documents you may be asked for
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