Only the Brave What to expect on the day

If you have already signed up to Only the Brave, check out the resources and links below to support your experience.

What to wear on the day:

Only the Brave features a lot of wet and muddy obstacles, so please only wear clothing you are happy to get messy!

We suggest wearing light, comfortable clothing that you can move freely in. As this event is taking place in September, we suggest checking the weather on the day and dressing appropriately.

Flat closed toe shoes. We recommend wearing what you train in so that they are well broken in and comfortable on the day.

Only the Brave man covered in mud

What NOT to wear on the day:

  • Studded, spiked or steel toed footwear
  • Jewellery
  • Anything you do not want to get wet or muddy
  • Any valuables you don’t want to loose or get damaged
Only the Brave women landing in mud

What to bring with you:

  • A spare change of clothing for after you’ve completed your run
  • Your only the Brave t-shirt and numbered timing wrist band. (You would’ve received these in the post)
  • A water bottle/something to drink. There will be food and drink available on the day from various different vendors
Only the Brave participants at the top of Helibobs Tower
Crew walk out to helicopter at sunset

Fundraising for East Anglian Air Ambulance

We’re here to help you reach your fundraising target and we’ll be dropping lots of hints and tips into your inbox from when you sign up through to event day. With every pound you raise, you’ll be helping to save more lives in East Anglia and beyond!

Frequently asked questions
I can no longer take part – what are my options?
When is the last date I can amend my booking?
I would like to upgrade my ticket from a 1.8 mile to the 6 or 10 mile option.
How do I set up a Just Giving Page? 
Can I choose a different fundraising platform?
How do I send my fundraising in?
I’d prefer to raise money offline – can I use a sponsorship form?
I need more fundraising resources – how can I access these?
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