EAAA’s first PHEM research conference kicks off next week

10 November 2021

EAAA, with the support of conference sponsor Zoll, is excited to bring the prehospital emergency medicine community together next week for the charity’s very first research and development conference 'Breaking Barriers: National data sets improving collaboration and outcomes in PHEM'.

Taking place on Friday 19 November, the online conference will be hosted by EAAA’s clinical research and development group known as RAID (research, audit, innovation and development) and will be led by Doctor Rob Major, RAID Chair. Alongside EAAA clinicians, the conference boasts an impressive line-up of guest speakers, including Professor Tim Coats, speaking about TARN data sets and PHEM, Dr Nicholas Crombie, presenting on pre-hospital blood products and Dr Phil Hyde, providing an overview of PHEMnet.

RAID Conference Programme

“Pulling this conference together has been a lot of hard work but we’re really, really excited about the calibre of speakers involved, the range of topics we will be covering and the number of delegates we’ve already get signed up, which shows that there is a lot of appetite within the industry for this type of conference.”

Doctor Rob Major

Training and Education Lead at EAAA and Chair of the RAID Group

Why not join us?

National data sets improving collaboration and outcomes in PHEM

Date: Friday 19 November, 9:00am - 5:00pm
Where: Online, open to everyone!

Book a place on the free online conference, which represents six hours of CPD, supported by the Faculty of Pre-Hospital Care, RCSEd.

Doctor Rob Major, Training and Education Lead at EAAA and Chair of the RAID Group, continued: “We’re really proud of the work we’re already doing at EAAA through the RAID group and look forward to being able to showcase and share this as widely as possible, to evidence the impact of HEMS teams and improve patient outcomes and the level of care being delivered prehospital. Prehospital R&D is a very exciting space at the moment and we’re hoping to be able to make the RAID conference an annual event. A huge thanks to Zoll for sponsoring the conference and helping us to make the conference possible.”

EAAA is committed to providing the best possible patient care and patient outcomes and believes that clinical research and development is key to achieving this and promoting continuous improvement within PHEM. The RAID group was established to oversee and steer all EAAA clinical research projects, including service evaluation and analysis, and to support research papers undertaken by EAAA clinicians. The conference will bring key figures within the sector together to promote clinical research and knowledge sharing and will enable the RAID group to provide an update on their activity, learnings and objectives since formally creating the research arm of the charity last year.
