This includes doctors, paramedics, nurses and other allied health professionals working in acute care areas (e.g. ED, CCU, ICU, HDU, operating theatres, acute medical admissions units) or on resuscitation/ medical emergency/ Critical Care Outreach teams.
EAAA became a recognised centre for running Advanced Life Support (ALS) courses in 2018, and our training has proved very popular with candidates providing very positive feedback.
I learnt a great deal from both the pre-course modules and from the faculty (and other candidates) on the day of the course. Whilst I had not considered the prospect of becoming an instructor prior to the course, I am very keen to explore this opportunity and hope to secure a GIC place in the next few months. The support offered by the EAAA team on Sunday was excellent, I am very grateful to you all.
— ALS course attendee
I thoroughly enjoyed the course and am very relieved to have finally completed it…and am delighted to have passed. I thought the whole course was very well structured and comprehensive. Please pass on my thanks to the faculty who made it so enjoyable and informative. I felt very supported throughout and have learned so much from it.
— ALS course attendee
In the meantime you can register your interest and we’ll let you know when new dates are released.