The breadth of aftercare support is varied and suited to each individual. The team can:
Whether it’s a one-off check-in telephone call or ongoing support, the team of dedicated EAAA Aftercare Clinical Liaison Officers are here to listen, offer support, information or signposting in the days, weeks or months after the incident.
We can also provide support for bystanders who were at the scene of a medical emergency in which our crews provided care and who feel they would benefit from talking to our team. It can be incredibly difficult for patients’ loved ones after witnessing an incident; there can be a ‘ripple’ effect on them. That’s why the EAAA Aftercare service supports our patients and their friends and family.
It’s been an emotional year, but the visit to EAAA with my Mum and Auntie was amazing. I met with Lisa and Andy, and they gave me more information about what happened. It was so important for me to fill in some of the gaps.
— Jonathan, former patient
To speak to a member of the East Anglian Air Ambulance Aftercare team about getting support following an incident, you can call 01223 403 600 or email and a member of our friendly team will be in touch.