The McQueen Charter

The McQueen Charter is designed to guide Helicopter Emergency Medical Services (HEMS) on the best way to support the mental health of those who work in any role within the sector. EAAA is proud to have been involved in its development alongside the McQueen family, Magpas Air Ambulance and Essex and Herts Air Ambulance.

The Charter is named after Dr Carl McQueen who worked in the air ambulance community and died by suicide in 2016. Whilst its roots lay with Dr McQueen, the charter actually covers all individuals engaged in the delivery of the service, not just crew or defined employees. We encourage people to read it, even if they dont work for an air ambulance, as there are lots of good practices which could apply to any workplace.

The McQueen Charter has already made a huge impact at East Anglian Air Ambulance encouraging us to deliver various workshops and talks for our staff on the subject of mental health and the introduction of certified Mental Health First Aiders across the charity.  We now have 25% of our staff trained on this topic, with more staff keen to be trained, which is well above the Mental Health England target of 1 in 10 employees.

If you would like further details on the charter please contact or phone 03450 669 999. 

Download the McQueen Charter


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