Gift Aid

For every £1 you donate EAAA can claim an extra 25p from HMRC, at no extra cost to you.

If you’re a UK taxpayer, the charities you give to can reclaim the basic rate of tax you’ve already paid on your donation. This means that a £1 donation is worth £1.25 to the charity.

If you’re a higher rate taxpayer, you can also claim back the difference between higher rate and basic rate tax on the value of your donation. For a 40% rate taxpayer, that means for every £1 you donate, you can claim back 25p in tax relief.

Learn more about Gift Aid from HMRC.

Complete your Gift Aid decleration by submitting our online form or downloading a printable version.

Frequently Asked Questions

Gift Aid is a tax relief allowing UK charities to reclaim an extra 25% in tax on every eligible donation made by a UK taxpayer. Put simply for every £1 you donate EAAA can claim an extra 25p from HMRC, at no extra cost to you.  

When you donate, you will be asked to confirm whether you are a UK taxpayer. Please note that Gift Aid can only be reclaimed on donations made by individuals who pay UK income or capital gains tax at a rate at least equal to the amount reclaimed on their donations in the current tax year. 

To make things easier in future, your Gift Aid status will be saved for the next time you donate. You can review or update this status at any time by contacting the Supporter Engagement Team. You should always contact us if your circumstances change, you are no longer a UK Tax Payer or you have paid less Income Tax or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all your donations to charities and CASCs in the current tax year.  

  • Making a donation in return for tickets (raffles, events and auctions) or goods and services (including ‘experience’ days). This is because they are not 'freewill' gifts - you are getting something in return for your donation. If we decide a donation has been incorrectly marked as eligible for Gift Aid, we cannot submit it. 
  • Making a donation on behalf of someone else or a group of people. For example, if a friend gives you £10 which you donate to EAAA using your own card and details. Even if your friend is a UK taxpayer, the donation is not eligible because HMRC needs to know the details of the person actually contributing the funds. 
  • Making a donation on behalf of a company. You can only make Gift Aid declarations on your own taxpayer status when spending your own money. However, a company can claim tax relief on the donation when donating directly to the charity. 
  • Making a donation to a family member who's taking part in an event and EAAA is contributing to the cost. For example, if you are donating to a close family member who is doing an overseas trek or Skydive and EAAA is paying for the cost of their trip. 

Not every donation is eligible for Gift Aid. To remain in line with HMRC guidelines, we may remove Gift Aid from your donation retrospectively when it is not eligible, so we can make an accurate claim.  

It is really important that we stick to these rules so we can continue to claim Gift Aid quickly and efficiently, if we are in any doubt that a donation has been incorrectly marked as eligible for Gift Aid, we can’t submit it to HMRC.  

Gift Aid is a scheme from HMRC that allows registered charities to reclaim tax on eligible donations made by UK taxpayers. This adds an extra 25% to the donation. 

There are certain rules set by the HMRC about what donations are eligible. If any of the reasons listed below apply to your donation, we will not be able to claim the Gift Aid. 

  • You are a non-UK taxpayer. 
  • You are donating on behalf of someone else or a group of people. 
  • You are donating on behalf of a company. 
  • You are donating income from the sale of goods or services, including funds raised at events in aid of the charity, i.e., bake sales, craft/Christmas fairs, etc. 
  • The fundraiser you are donating to is a family member or friend who is doing an event where the charity is contributing to their costs. 
  • You are receiving goods, rights or services in return for your donation. 
  • Your address is a non-residential address or is incorrect.

If you pay tax at the higher rate, you can reclaim tax relief on your gross donation at 20% (i.e - the difference between the higher rate of tax at 40% and the basic rate at 20%).  

The Gift Aid scheme is unique to the UK. If you are not a UK taxpayer, you can still make a donation, but your donation will not be eligible for Gift Aid. 

A person living overseas can still claim Gift Aid provided that they are a UK taxpayer and can satisfy the Gift Aid declaration in the donation process. 

If your donation is not eligible for Gift Aid that is not a problem, we will be grateful for your donation. 

You can contact EAAA at any time to update your Gift Aid Declaration or make changes just contact the Supporter Engagement Team.